1MB Club

Review & Accepting Submissions

All web pages submitted will be manually reviewed for honesty and quality assurance.

1MB Club has the final say whether a web page is added to the official listing or not. Spam, low-quality pages, or shady SEO gimmicks will be ignored. If your web page is not accepted, please do not take it personally. Let’s refrain from being rude to each other!

The two rules for a web page to qualify as a member:

  1. Total web page size (not just transferred data) must not exceed 1 megabyte
  2. The web page must contain a reasonable amount of content / usefulness in order to be added - no sites with a simple line of text, etc.

How to Submit

Note: All web pages are manually tested through Firefox’s network monitor for consistency. The total web page will be taken into account, not just the “transferred”.

Firefox network tab showing the full web page size of 1MB Club

Sending Patches

Submit a patch and your web page will be reviewed for quality assurance. If you are not familiar with submitting patches through email, please take a look at: git-send-email.io/.

The format of your newly added web page should be as follows:

pageurl: yourdomain.com
size: 8.2


If you come across any bugs or incorrect web page listings on this site, please submit a ticket for that as well! Please do not use tickets to submit websites! Thank you.