1MB Club

Purging the 1MB Club

This project has been running for almost 3 years now, and I still enjoy adding more members to the club! The only issue is that I have never been great at ensuring the quality of the members remained consistent. This included removing dead links, sites that now forward to less-than-safe domains, etc.

That all changes today!

The First Purge

I wrote up a very crude script that checks the status of each existing club member’s URL and flags those that error-out. After running the check I found I could remove over 60 websites that were either dead or broken.

Note: If you happen to notice your website has been incorrectly caught in the “purge-crossfire”, then don’t hesitate to shoot me an email letting me know! I’m only human after all.

Checking URL Script

This ruby script is far from perfect but it works well for my own personal workflow. Feel free to steal this and tweak it for your own purposes as you see fit!

require 'httparty'
require 'nokogiri'

HTTParty::Basement.default_options.update(verify: false)

response = HTTParty.get('https://1mb.club')

document = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body)
website_urls = document.css("#container tr")

puts "Scanning website members URLs..."
website_urls.each do |single_site|
        url = single_site.css("a.site").first.attribute("href").value
        response = HTTParty.get(url, timeout: 4)
        puts "Checking: " + url
    rescue Exception
        puts "<!-------- ERROR: " + url

I have been slacking in terms of web-related content on this blog. My plan is to improve that and I even have a few outlines ready to go. I’ll be sure to keep you all posted when something new is published!

Special Thanks

I'm extremely grateful for the support from the "Hall of Fame" supporters:
adast.dk alessandrocuzzocrea.com alexeystar.com arc-x.org artemislena.eu b0ba.dev cmc.pub danielsada.tech dieses-veganismus.de gtrr.artemislena.eu iosis-labs.com jakobmagnusson.se jamieonkeys.dev kristianscott.co.uk lukealexdavis.co.uk miniskirt.me next.gen.oh.us/~anton/ nicksherman.com simone.org t0.vc tedmagaoay.com willem.com wonger.dev xslendi.xyz zoraster.org

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